The Face Behind The Blog

Hey my lovely readers! How are you all? I know I am a bit late, but I wish you all a happy new month that’s filled with love and happiness.

Anyways, moving on with the post, today I am going to be doing this exciting tag “The Face Behind The Blog”.  I want to thank my friends Jan and Olivia from for nominating me. I am so grateful for both of them and that blogging brought us together from different parts of the world.  I love their blog a lot and I’m sure you’ll do to. So, don’t forget to like, follow, and subscribe to their blog.

Jan on The Blog and Olivia Lucie Blake

The Questions Were:

Who am I?

Well I think it’s pretty obvious what my name is so I will miss that part out! I’m a 20-year-old media student trying to learn the nuances of new age media.

Where am I from?

I am from India – better known for its varied culture, incredible architecture and most importantly the delicious Indian food.

What’s a perfect day?

My perfect day would be waking up really late in the morning, having my breakfast while watching T.V. Then after lunch, I would go out for shopping with my family, spend some lovely time with them, maybe watch a movie and return home back in the evening. And finally, after that long tiring day, I would just lay down on my bed and binge-watch Netflix while having dinner. Last but not the least, I will go to sleep.

What do I do?

 I am currently in my Second Year of University and I’m doing a course in (BAFTNMP) – Bachelor of Arts in Films, Tv and New Media Production.  

Why do I blog?

I blog because I love to express myself in the form of writing rather than speaking and blogging is a platform where I can express my views, thoughts, and opinions well. I love connecting with people online and it makes me really happy when people comment on my blog and tell me about their likes, dislikes and much more. I just want to say that blogging is something that makes me feel alive.  

My Nominations for this Tag:

Jojo-al Waealy




Also to all my lovely blogging friends – I love reading your posts and would love to get to know more about you. So, if you want to take part in it, you are all invited because the more the merrier.

 Here’s all you need to do:

1. Use the “The face behind the blog” tag to post a little bit about yourself.

As much or as little as you like. Feel free to use the questions above or any others. Include your own pictures. Have fun with it!

2. Tag 2 or more blogs you love and leave an open invitation too.

Get to know the faces behind your favourite blogs! After you’ve published your post, let your blog friends know you’ve tagged them.

3. Don’t forget to tag this post in Jan On The Blog.
 So that she doesn’t miss out on the fun! 

That’s it.

Thanks again Jan and Olivia for nominating my blog. And to all my lovely blogger friends, I look forward to read all your responses.

Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment, follow and subscribe to my blog.

You can also follow me social media:

The Liebster Award

Hey my lovely readers. How are you all? Well I am so excited to inform you that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. Well, getting nominated for any award is an incredible honor for me. But this time I am on cloud nine because I have been nominated for this wonderful award 5 times. I want to you all from the bottom of my heart for always uplifting me. I am profoundly grateful for each and every one who reads my blog Chasing The Maximum Life. This wouldn’t have been possible without you all.

So, the first nomination was from Jojo-al Waealy. He is an amazing blogger as well as a friend. I love reading all his poems and I’m sure that you will love it too. So, please don’t forget to follow, like, and subscribe to his blog here.

The second nomination came from Namrata. Her blog Pen of Hearts is lovely place to learn and grow as an individual. She is a full-time blogger who writes such inspiring and lovely posts. So, go and check her blog now and don’t forget to follow and subscribe to it.

My third nomination was from by Beatrice from The Beahive. She is a fantastic blogger who shares her artwork, OC’s, and also writes about other characters from books and Tv shows. So be sure to visit her blog here and don’t forget to like, follow, and subscribe to it.

The fourth nomination was from Honest Reviews. Her blog features honest reviews of my own journey and experiences with places, movies, books, and products. Do check her blog here and be sure to like, follow and subcribe to it.

And finally, the fifth nomination was from Annmary0723. She blogs about books, films, short stories, seasonal posts and much more. I find her blog pretty interesting and I’m sure you will too. So, without wasting any more time, head to her blog and don’t forget to like, follow and subcribe to it.

About the Award

The Liebster Award is a sweet little badge of recognition, given to aspiring bloggers by their blogging peers.

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  4. Nominate other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  5. Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  6. List the rules and display a Liebster Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.

Facts About Me

  1. My first international trip was to Thailand.
  2. I don’t have a favourite food. I eat pretty much anything.
  3. I love music. I always am humming or singing a tune to myself, even if I don’t realize it. And I always have a song stuck in my head.
  4. The last movie I watched on Netflix was Holidate.
  5. A movie I can watch over an over is Jab We Met.
  6. Waffles are my guilty pleasure.
  7. Being outside makes my heart happy.
  8. Once I lose interest in something then it’s hard to get that spark back.
  9. I am a great listener.
  10. The hobby I can never give up is Dance.
  11. Taylor Swift is my favourite artist.

Questions by Jojo-Al Waealy

  • What is more important for you: Love or money?

Uggh that’s a tough question because for me both are equally important.

  • Would you rather play life safe or live life at the fullest?

I would rather live life at the fullest than playing it safe.

  • Your favourite color? (why always serious questions LOL)

I actually love pastel colours. (Haha true)

  • What are you most afraid of in life?

Umm. Well I am afraid of being left alone the most in life.

  • What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement so far has been being able to start a blog and not only that reaching amazing milestones, being recognized my fellow bloggers, and also getting so many blogging awards.

  • Do you have short/long terms goals?

Yeah, I do have short term goals related to blogging as well as other things.

  • What is your favourite food?

I don’t have a favourite food. I pretty much eat anything.

  • What is your favourite place to write?

My favourite place to write is actually my bedroom.

  • Do you have hobbies besides writing and reading?

Besides writing and reading, I do have some hobbies and they are dance, listening to music and binge watching.

  • Do you like my moustache?

Haha yeah, I do like it.

  • If yes, what name should I give her? My moustache of course.

Aww. That’s so cute. Idk maybe you can call her Jojo’s Stache.

Questions by Pen of Hearts

  • Your favourite thing about blogging?

My favourite thing about blogging is interacting with my lovely blogger friends.

  • One thing lockdown taught you.

One thing that lockdown taught me is that life is full of surprises and everything in life doesn’t happen according to what we have planned.

  • Your biggest life achievement?

Umm, I don’t know there were many but one of them was when I crossed the mark of 500 followers on my blog.

  • What you dislike about blogging?

The thing that I disklike about blogging is the consistency but don’t get me in a wrong. I love to stay consistent on my blog but sometimes if I am unable to catch up and post according to my schedule then I really get disappointed.

  • Your blogging goals and your plans to achieve them.

Some of my blogging goals and are as follows:

  1. Writing at least 3 to 4 blog posts in a week.

2. Consistently share Instagram stories.

3. Figure out SEO.

4. Read a greater number of blogs a day.

5. Interact with my fellow bloggers more.

6. Attract more audience.

7. Last but not the least, to keep on writing good content and influence others by my writing.

My plan to achieve them all:

I would pour more effort to achieve these goals and keep writing passionately. I’ll work hard on it and I think if you really want to achieve something and you put your heart and soul to it, then nothing can stop you from achieving it.

  • Your favourite memory in the history of blogging?

There are so many beautiful memories but let me tell you a recent one. Just a few days ago, a fellow blogger commented on my blog post saying that I want to be like you when I grow up. And that me so proud of myself.

  • Describe your blog in three words.

Fun, Unique and Interactive.

  • Describe yourself in three words.

Fun- Loving, Optimistic and Determined.

  • Have you ever thought about quitting blogging?

Umm no I don’t think I have ever thought about this.

  • What does blogging do to you?

Blogging helps me express myself and my passions, develops my writing skills, makes me experiment a lot and also creates more confidence in me. It is something that genuinely makes me happy.

Questions by The Beahive

  • If you had the ability to save a friend or relative from dying, by means of travel, would you?

Yes, if I had the ability to do so then I would definitely save a friend or relative from dying.

  • What is your favourite colour for a bicycle?

My favourite colour for a bicycle is black or purple.

  • What food could you eat for dinner for a month if you had to?

If I had to, I would eat Chicken for dinner for a month.

  • Who/What do you think the man in, The Scream by Edward Munch, was screaming at?

I think the man in, The Scream by Edward Munch isn’t screaming at all, he is actually hearing the nature around him. But the scene is designed in such a way that we feel as if he is screaming at something.

  • Do you like climbing trees?

Umm. No, I haven’t ever actually climbed trees and I don’t like it much.

  • What’s the name of your first oc?

The name of my first oc is Stay Safe, Stay Inspired!

  • What is your favourite song?

It changes according to time or my mood. My favourite song currently is a Punjabi Folk Song “Baage Vich” by Suryaveer.

  • Do you like dumplings?

Yeah, I love them.

  • Do you believe in ghosts?

No, I don’t.

  • On a scale of 1/10, how much do you love this mug?

On a scale of I/10, I love this mug around 7.

  • What is your primary hobby?

My primary hobby is dance.

Questions by Honest Reviews

  • Which song always gets you on the dance floor?

Honestly, I just love to dance so as far as it’s a known song, then it’s not much difficult to convince me get on the dance floor.  

  • Have you ever disliked something and then changed your mind?

Yes, definitely I have.

  • Love or Money? What would you choose given the chance and why?

Well, as I said earlier that both are equally important to me, but I am given the chance then I’ll choose love because it’s endless and money can’t buy love.

  • What’s the product that you can’t live without?

 I can’ t live without my Ginger Shampoo from The Body Shop.

  • What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

The best advice I’ve ever heard is that you never know what the future will bring so make the best use of your present.

  • Who or what has had the biggest impact on your life?

Umm. It’s difficult to describe actually because there have been many people who has had the biggest impact in my life. However, I feel the people I am closest to such as my family or friends have had a big impact in my life.

  • Do you believe in second chances?

Yes, I believe in second chances.

  • Are you active on social media or do you prefer to be more private?

Yes, I am highly active on social media. No actually I don’t prefer it to keep private.

  • Who would play you in a movie on your life?

If my life was made into a movie, then I think maybe Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt would play me.

  • If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Nah, I don’t think I need to change anything about myself because I feel I’m perfect the way I am.

  • What’s the app that you use the most?

The app that I use the most is Instagram.

Questions by Annmary0723

  • What is the reason behind your blogging career?

Umm I don’t think there’s a big reason as such but it’s just that I love writing a lot and blogging is a platform that helps me express my views and thoughts well.

  • What is the biggest motivation of your life?

My best friend (Madhura) is my biggest motivation in my life.

  • One of the best moments in my life?

One of the best moments in my life was when I received the first comment on my blog.

  • One habit I want to change.

Actually, I am quite lazy. I want to change that a little.

  • Do you believe in religion or myth?

I believe in religion.

  • Are you a tea or coffee person?

I am more of a tea person.

  • Any advice you can give me?

Umm just be yourself and even if someone tries to let you down, keep your head up and always shine.

  • The best part about myself.

The best part about myself is that I is that I don’t care about anything and enjoy being in my own company.

  • A place you want to visit and why.

A place I want to visit is Paris because I want to see the Eiffel Tower once. It’s in my bucket list.

  • How do you judge people?

It depends on the way they act.

What is the change you want to bring to society?

Well I don’t I would like to bring any change to the society.

My Lovely Nominees are

Hemalatha from Frame of Soul

Pot Belly

Tia from Tall Blonde Tales

Anikta from Quotidian

Jan from Jan on the Blog

Smelly Socks and Garden Peas

Parth from Passionate_Parth

Ninin from Journal Log-in

Sofia from Live Sofiabulous

Mimi Cares

Aashna from The Unparalleled Life

Sukanya from Me and My Thoughts

Sakshi Shreya from Art Enthusiastics

Aanya from Soaring Firebolt

Moksha from The Happy Panda

Anjali from Anjali Utters

Joanna from Gigantic Thoughts Bubble

My Questions for the Nominees

  1. What do you enjoy most about blogging/writing?
  2. What is your biggest problem/challenge when it comes to blogging?
  3. How long does it usually take you to finish a blog post?
  4. If you were to name three goals you want your blog to achieve next year, what would it be?
  5. What is the greatest achievement your blog has received? If you haven’t got any, what would be the achievement you’d want to receive?
  6. What is your best viewed post? Share it with us by providing a hyperlink and a short description about it.
  7. If you were to give out three advises for yourself as a blogger, what would it be?
  8. Which blog or blogger inspires you the most?
  9. What is your favourite thing about being a blogger?
  10. What are your top blogging tips?
  11. What is the most amazing thing you have ever done (besides starting your blog)?

That’s it.

Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

You can also follow me on social media:

The Mystery Blogger Award #2

Hello! A shout out to all my lovely readers and fellow bloggers. I am glad to inform you that my blog Chasing the Maximum Life has touched the 500 followers’ mark. A small step towards success but worth a million to me! I really appreciate your constant support to my blog. Gratitude! To keep you engaged with more interesting and interactive posts, there are some surprises waiting for you. Stay tuned for more!

Now back to the post, I am happy to have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award for the second time by my fellow blogger Sakshi Shreya. She is a wonderful blogger who shares everything related to art. Her posts are worth reading, so don’t forget to follow and subscribe her blog here.

What is Mystery Blogger Award?

This lovely award was created by Okoto Enigma.

It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.

 -Okoto Enigma

The Rules:

  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention Okoto Enigma, the creator of the award.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer 5 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 10-20 bloggers.
  • Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question.
  • Share the link to your best post.

3 Things About Me:

  1. I’m a film fanatic…yes you read that right…I love watching different genres of movies.
  2. The hobby that I could never give up is dance.
  3. I’m more of a listener than a talker.  

My Best Post:

Honestly, all my posts are equally close to my heart but if I must choose one then it would be, “How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection” as I feel that it something that almost every individual can relate to.

My Answers to the Questions asked by Art Enthusiastics:

  • What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Uggh! That’s a tough one because there are so many crazy things that I have done and I feel describing just one won’t be fair.

  • What is more important to you: family or success? Why?

Well, for me family is more important because I believe that it’s the most valuable gift that god has given us. I also believe that if we have the constant support of our family behind us then we are already successful.

  • List two qualities you have developed during lockdown.

The two qualities that I have developed during lockdown is writing and communicating.

  • What is your inspiration behind starting your blog?

Umm, it was my passion to explore newer avenues that channelize my inner creativity.

  • Name the driving force which motivates you during your low phases and why?

The driving force that motivates me during my low phases is my passion towards my work because I believe that if we are passionate about something then no matter how many obstacles we face in our life, the passion helps us believe in ourselves and helps us move forward in life.

My Nominations for the Mystery Blogger Award:

Tia from Tall Blonde Tales

Olivia from Oliva Lucie Blake

Hemalatha from FrameofSoul

Soni from Soni’s Thoughts

Markus + Micah

Safa from Poetic_Heart

Mimi Cares

Aashna from The Unparalleled Life

Fiona from Life with Fi

Top Tamil Talk

Nathi from Wayward Scribbles

Akshita from Where the Inspiration Lies

Bea from The Beahive

Shreya from Blog with Shreya

Khushi from Paracosm and Stuff

Ninin from Journal Log-in

Namrata from PEN OF HEARTS

Jahnavi from FreeMind

My Questions:

  1. What have you done this week that made you feel good about yourself?
  2. What were the last 5 emojis you used?
  3. Describe the most embarrassing incident of your life.
  4. What is your best achievement in blogging till now?
  5. [weird question] If you could switch places with one actor in any scene in any movie/TV show, which would it be?

That’s it!

Thank you for reading Chasing the Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post, then don’t forget to like, share, comment, follow and subscribe to my blog.

You can also follow me on social media:

Bloggers Support Bloggers

Hey my lovely readers. How are you guys?

I am extremely happy to have been nominated for this challenge “Bloggers Support Bloggers” by Ada from Introvert Next Door and thank Ada her from the bottom of my heart. For those who don’t know her, she is lifestyle blogger who writes about books, music, photography, movies, and many other things.

I love the idea of challenges like this one as I think they’re wonderful ways of uplifting and supporting other bloggers. And I really appreciate Ada for the way she puts her followers first and helps others grow. I love and admire her blog a lot. I don’t know much about her personally, but she is truly a sweet person and has got a beautiful soul. I can’t tag her again since she’s already done the tag so check out her blog here and do follow or subscribe if you haven’t, you will love her as her blog a lot.


  1. Thank the one who has tagged you for this challenge and give a link to their blogsite so others could see.
  2. Add any of the official photos in your blog post.
  3. List at least 5 bloggers you love and want to appreciate at this very moment.
  4. Give a short description about the blog you listed and some of the reasons why you love the blogger, or literally anything you want to say.
  5. Tag at least 5-10 bloggers to do the challenge.
  6. Put the official hashtag, #BloggersSupportBloggers in the Tags section of your post so whenever a blogger is looking for new blogs to read, it will be easier to find.

Tall Blonde Tales

Tia is a phenomenal blogger who shares interesting tips/tricks, reviews, recipes, and much more on her blog. I love all her posts are and they are worth reading. I am so glad to have met her on this platform. The best thing I like about her is that how sweet, supportive, kind, and amazing she is while interacting with her readers. Another thing that I really like about her is the way she portrays her lifestyle in all her posts. Last but not the least, she has been a huge support system for my blog, and I really appreciate it.  

Olivia Lucie Blake

Olivia is an incredible blogger who shares everything about life, relationships, self-care etc. And not only this but she also hosts giveaways on her blog, and they are utterly amazing. It’s been around 2 months since I started following her, but I am completely in love with her posts as they are not only helpful but also entertaining. The one thing I love about her is the way she uplifts newbies and helps them grow. She is truly an inspiration.  

Frame of Soul

Hemalatha is a lovely blogger who shares beautiful poems on her blog. They are insightful and personal, and I love the fact the that I can relate to many of them. Along with the poems, she also shares some wonderful six-word stories   She is an amazing blogging friend one can have and I find myself lucky to have crossed paths with her on WordPress.

Soaring Firebolt

Aanya is a diehard Harry Potter fan. Since the day I met her on WordPress, she too has been big support for my blog. Well, honestly speaking when I read about her, I was unable to believe that a 13 year old girl can write such a fabulous blog but now that we have been friends from quite a time and I know her pretty well, I can’t deny the fact that she is such a fantastic blogger.    

Growing with Spawn

Shelly is a working millennial mom who blogs about marriage, self-love, mental health, etc. Her blog posts are valuable as well inspiring. One thing that I really love about her is that she is not only an amazing writer but also a sweet person and one of the beautiful souls ever.

Undressed Thoughts

Kritika is a wonderful blogger who shares poems, prose, quotes, short stories, artwork and much more on her blog. One thing that I really love about her is that she writes her heart out. Her poems are really motivating and encouraging. She never forgets to interact with other bloggers. I am glad that I found her blog.

Happy Panda

Moksha has a multi niche blogger who blogs about fashion, cooking, travel, random musings, prompts etc. She also provides Tv show and movie reviews on her blog. Her posts are truly fun to read. I also love the theme of her blog a lot. It’s incredibly beautiful and aesthetic.

Paracosm and Stuff

Khushi is a new blogger who writes about academia, books, school stuff etc. I have been following her for a short while, but I am really amazed to see how lovely her posts her. I always find her supporting other bloggers and commenting on their posts. Keep rocking dear.

Blog with Shreya

Shreya is a lifestyle blogger who shares her little experiences of life on her blog and spreads love & positivity with her posts. I met her a while ago on WordPress and watching her grow really makes me happy. She has a blog that you shouldn’t miss out.

The Hidden Soul

Era is a remarkable blogger who writes articles on her blog about her medical life, nature travel etc. She also shares poetry as well as inspiring quotes on her blog. I find her posts attractive as well as motivating. She always motivates other bloggers by commenting on their posts and helping them grow.

Live Sofiabulous

Sofia blogs about everything under the sun that is worth sharing and reading. Recipes with which everyone can relate to, sharing thoughts on relationships &motherhood from her personal experience and much more. The reason I love reading her blog so much is because it’s exciting and valuable.

Innumerable Thoughts

And finally, Manjul who is a great blogger and shares some beautiful poems and sketches on her blog. She also shares useful videos that are worth watching. One thing that I like about her a lot is the way she communicates with her readers. She never fails to impress her readers with her posts as well as her honesty.

That’s it.

My Nominees:

I really love all these bloggers that I just mentioned above and so I am nominating all of them for this amazing challenge. Also, if anyone else wishes to do this challenge, they are free to do. I would really love to know your choices.

P.S – Sorry Ada for posting this after such a long time.

Thank you for reading Chasing the Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

You can also follow me on social media:

The Inspiring Bloggers Tag

Hey my lovely readers. How are you guys? I know I haven’t been much active on my blog these days and it’s been a while since I posted anything new. But if you guys have read my earlier posts then you might be knowing that I  am so short of time these days and no getting to blog much owing to my college work. Ugh! It’s so frustrating. But hopefully now I am almost through with the stressful assignments and hopefully will be back with a bang soon. I truly wanna thank you all for supporting me consistently and being with me in this amazing journey!

Anyway, moving on to today’s post, I want to thank Tia from Tall Blonde Tales from the bottom of my heart for nominating me for this lovely tag. It just feels so great to get nominated for something like this.  Tia is an amazing blogger and I really enjoy reading her posts. She has been a big support system for my blog, and I admire her a lot. So please be sure to check out her blog here.


  • Thank the person who chose you
  • Include the logo in your post
  • Answer the questions asked to you
  • Choose the bloggers who’ve inspired you (maximum 10)
  • Add a feature of their blog which you admire
  • Ask them five questions

Questions asked by Tia, Tall Blonde Tales:

If you were to start a charity or foundation, what cause would you support/what would you do?

If I were to start a charity or foundation, I would support the cause of Arts, Culture and Humanities and would help people understand the importance of arts and culture in our society.

What is your least favourite food?

My least favourite food is Bitter Gourd.

If you could only pick one hobby to do for the rest of your life, what would you choose and why?

If I could pick one hobby to do for the rest of my life, I would choose dance because it’s something that always makes me happy and helps me express myself well.

A song/movie/book that never fails to inspire you?

A song that never fails to inspire me is “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift.

What inspiring message would you like to pass on to other people/bloggers?

Umm, I would like to say that running a blog maybe difficult sometimes and you might not be able to be as consistent as you are as there might be many other things to do. I just feel and would like to tell that it’s okay to take a break. Just don’t be under a lot of pressure that you have to write a post today itself, it’s alright if you are not able to cope up with blogging all the time. However, at the same time, be passionate about your writing and write for yourself first.

Nominations – bloggers who inspire me

Well, this one is hard because all of you inspire me so much in different ways and I truly feel that you all deserve this award. So, if you wanna do it, comment down and be a part of this beautiful award by answering these questions below. Keep going and take good care of yourself.

Questions for my nominees: 

If you weren’t into blogging, what’s the one thing you would probably be doing instead?

What do you do when you feel demotivated to write?

An inspiring quote you live by.

What is your favourite type of food?

What inspiring message would you like to pass on to other people/bloggers?

That’s it.

Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

You can also follow me on social media:

Blogger Recognition Award

Hey my lovely readers. How is your weekend going?  

So, moving on with my other blog awards, I would be expressing my gratitude for the Blogger Recognition Award today. It gives me immense pleasure to tell you that I have been nominated for this amazing award for the first time twice.  

And for that I want to thank Kinya from 3am Thoughts for thinking of me for this award. She is a beautiful blogger who shares her opinions and thoughts and gives some honest reviews about life. Don’t forget to follow this lovely blogger by clicking here.

I also want to thank Yinda from Honey Side Up for nominating me for the award. She blogs about life and wellness, music, movies and much more. So be sure to check her blog here.


1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and give a link to their site
2. Do a post to show your award
3. Give a summary of how your blog started
4. Give two pieces of advice for any new bloggers
5. Select at least 15 other bloggers for this award
6. Let each nominee know you’ve nominated them and give a link to your post.


I started my blog a few months back during lockdown. I was bored with the same rut of eating, sleeping, watching TV and doing nothing. I felt this urge to indulge into something that would keep me busy and productive. One fine day, I got the idea of getting into blogging, thanks to my mom who’s a writer herself. I pondered over the thought and decided to give it a chance. Honestly, I didn’t know the ABC of blogging at that moment. But I was keen to experiment. With a lot of thinking and ideation, I came up with the name and lo, the blog was soon ready. I reluctantly posted my first story and slowly started getting some response. That motivated me to keep writing, and I did! Twice or even thrice a week. Over the time, things changed but my love of writing remained. Today, here I am, with 400+ followers!! I am very grateful for my lovely WordPress community that gave me a space to express my thoughts and views about the things I feel passionate about. Blogging has boosted my confidence and transformed me into this whole new person who is now strong, confident, and proud of herself. Thank you all!


My advice for the new bloggers:

  1. Write for yourself first.
  2. Be passionate about your writing.
  3. Be consistent on your blog.
  4. Like and comment on other blogs.
  5. Don’t stress too much over traffic.
  6. Believe in your writing.


Tia from Tall Blonde Tales

Noorien from Gowriteandexplore

Khushi from Paracosm and Stuff

Shelly from Growing with Spawn

Francochuks’ Blog

Shreya from Blog with Shreya

Delicate and Brutal

Emmanuella from Beauty and Bows

Ena from Pretty, Plus and Proud

Sofia from Live Sofiabulous

Emily from Frappes and Fiction

Divine Royalty

Joel Abakah from the J Platform

Being Flawsome

Nath from Oh, Nath

Rishika from The Ethereal Unicorn


Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my Post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

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The Liebster Award Nomination

Hey my lovely readers. How’s your weekend going? I know I haven’t been much active lately but as I mentioned earlier, it’s all because of my college assignments, projects etc. Anyways, my next award is the Liebster Award. So let’s begin with it.

This one’s the seventh for Chasing the Maximum Life! And I am extremely happy to have been nominated twice for the Liebster Award. I really don’t want to thank only the people who have nominated me but to everyone why reads my blog. It wouldn’t have been possible without your support.

I would like to thank Delicate and Brutal for nominating me for the award. She’s a lovely blogger who shares about her personal and medical experiences. I personally love her blog a lot. So, if you aren’t following her, visit her site here and give her a follow.

I would also like to thank Shreya from Blog with Shreya for nominating me for the award. I feel grateful that you thought of me for this award. She is a newbie but has some amazing content. So, don’t forget to follow her by clicking here.

What is The Liebster Award?

The Liebster Award is a recognition by bloggers to the other bloggers. It has been around since 2011. Its primary goal is to give recognition to other bloggers for their contribution to the community. 

Liebster in German means – sweetest, kindest, endearing, beloved and so on. It’s a great initiative to support new blogs. 


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. 
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers
  4. Ask your nominees 11 questions
  5. Notify your 11 nominees 

Questions that Delicate and Brutal asked me:

  1. What is your favourite book and why?

My favourite book is “Two States” by Chetan Bhagat because I enjoy reading romantic fictions and that’s a lovely one.

2. What is your favourite movie and why?

My favourite movie is Jab we Met because whenever it appears on TV, I go totally crazy and keep on repeating each dialogue along with the character. It makes me so happy.

3. What are you passionate about & why is this so important to you?

I am passionate about many things such as dance, blogging etc. and they are important to me because I just can’t live without those. They make me genuinely happy.

4. What is your favourite time of day and why?

My favourite time of the day is Night because that’s when I am finally free from all my college related work and all other things and I get to relax and binge-watch my favourite shows.

5. What is your favourite smell and why?

It’s melting chocolate because I really love it and it’s super sweet.

6. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I wanted something to keep me busy and productive during the lockdown. Also, because I wanted to experience something new.

7. What is your favourite piece of clothing and why?

Pyjamas are my favourite piece of clothing because I find them comfortable and for me comfort always comes first than style.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Bali or Mauritius because I love beaches a lot.

9. What is your favourite season and why?

My favourite season in Winter because I get to wear those cute, adorable, and cozy outfits.

10. What is one quality you love about yourself and why?

The one quality I love about myself is my honest because I believe being honest is the best empathy that one can showcase.

11. What advice would you like to give to your younger self?

I would like to tell my younger self to laugh at things that scare you or hurt you and that don’t worry about anything because at the end, everything would work out.

Questions that Blog with Shreya asked me:

  1. Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

Umm, my biggest inspiration is Art. Whether it’s visual or performing, I am truly inspired by it because I love to experience art. For e.g. Dance inspires me a lot.

2. What are the three things you can’t live without?

Music, Dance, My phone.

3. What would you do if you get a chance to become invisible for one day?

If I get a chance to become invisible for a day, I will go crazy and play pranks on everyone.

4. What is your favourite food?

I honestly love to eat everything but to answer your question, it’s Chicken.

5. What according to you, are the three qualities a person should possess and why?

According to me, three qualities a person should possess is honesty, and  passion and a good listener because I would love to see that in a person and I think that these are some of the important qualities one should have.

Some of the remaining questions were same that I answered in the first nomination, so that’s why I am only answering a few here.

My Nominees for the Liebster Award:

Tia from Tall Blonde Tales

Avni from Avni’s Bookshelf

Sukanya from Me and My Thoughts

Noorien from Gowriteandexplore

Manjul from Innumerable Thoughts

Happy Panda

Anjali from Anjali Utters

Juliette from Sunny Days with Juliette

Rishika from The Ethereal Unicorn

Nath from Oh, Nath

Hemalatha from Frame of Soul

My Questions to all the Nominees:

  1. How would someone describe your blogging style?
  2. Share something unusual about yourself.
  3. If you were stranded on a deserted island, which 1 TV or film character would you want with you and why?
  4. What was an influential song in your life?
  5. What is the coolest surprise you always wished somebody would prepare for you?
  6. What’s your favourite sweet treat?
  7. If you could invite anyone to dinner, alive or dead, who would you choose & what would you ask them about?
  8. Describe your dream destination?
  9.  Would you rather Reverse one decision you make every day or be able to stop time for 10 seconds every day?
  10. Love or Money?
  11. Your favourite blogger?

That’s it.

Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

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The Sunshine Blogger Award– Nominated Twice

Hey my lovely readers. What’s going on? Hope you guys are fine. So, before beginning this post today, I want to inform you guys that I would only be doing my pending awards and tags posts in this week and not any original posts! Phew. I have to catch up on the college projects and assignment front and won’t be left with much time to focus on writing anything new. I hope you all understand.

Anyways let’s begin with today’s award post,

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers who are creative, positive, and inspiring. It always feels great to be nominated for the awards but this being my seventh nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award, I am so happy and excited.

First, I want to thank Khushi from Paracosm and Stuff from the bottom of my heart for nominating me for this award. She is a new blogger but writes amazing posts. I really appreciate her a lot. If you aren’t following her, then go and follow her immediately. Click here to visit her blog.

Secondly, I also want to thank Divine Royalty for nominating me for the award.  I really enjoy reading his blog posts as they are always inspiring and amazing. So, if you need a little inspiration in your life, go and follow him on his blog. Click here to visit his blog.


Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.

Answer the 11 questions given to you.

Nominate 11 other bloggers and write them 11 new questions.

List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your blog post

Questions for Me from Paracosm and Stuff:

  1. How would you describe your blog?

I would describe it as a lifestyle blog where I share some of the best fashion tips techniques, some life inspiration. I also give a little peek to my lovely readers at the end of every month by sharing some of my favourite things. Not only that, I also give my views opinions on various topics about life and much more.

2. What is your perfect day?

My perfect day would be waking up late in the morning, having my breakfast while watching T.V. Then after lunch, going out for shopping with my family and returning home back in the evening. And finally, after that long tiring day, I would just lay down on my bed and binge-watch Netflix while having dinner. Last but not the least, I will go to sleep.

3. Three random facts about yourself.

I just listed some of the random facts about myself in one of my blog posts. You can check it by clicking here.

4. Which book, movie, show, or quote had an impact on you?

Well, I watch a lot of movies and one of the movies that I watched recently which had an impact on me was Forrest Gump and Ruins.

5. What is the best advice you have for a new blogger?

The best advice I would like to give to a new blogger is that write about things that you are really passionate about, be consistent and don’t forget to comment and like other bloggers post as what you give is what you would receive.

6. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I see myself graduated and working in a professional atmosphere with future goals in my mind.

7. Money or Knowledge?

Haha, that’s a tough choice, but to answer your question it would be Knowledge.

8. Do you have a pet? If not, then would you like to have one?

I don’t really have a pet but yeah, I would love to have one.

9. One embarrassing memory.

Umm, I don’t think I have had any embarrassing stories worth remembering.

10. Favourite thing about school life.

There are many but one of them was having lunch with my friends during the recess time near the stage area.

11. How do you deal with stress?

I deal with stress by listening to my fav music or sometimes even by binge-watching.   

Questions to me from Divine Royalty:

  1. When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in the month of May. It’s been about 4 months now.

 2. How did you feel when you launched your site?

Well, I was quite nervous because it was something new for me and I really had no idea if people would love my blog or no.  I was also excited because I was able to learn and experience a new thing.  

3.What was your first post about?

My first blog post was an inspirational post. I shared some of the best life quotes in it. You can check it here “Stay Safe, Stay Inspired”.

4. Did you after some time changed it? Why?

No, I don’t think I have changed any of my blog posts.

5.How do you contribute through blogging to make the world a better place?

I try my best to contribute through blogging to make the world a better place with my posts. If a single reader is getting inspired by post, then I think I am doing the right thing.

6.How do you find inspiration to write?

Well, that’s an easy question because for me my lovely readers are my inspiration and they motivate me to write better.

7.Who motivates you when you feel like quitting?

When I feel like quitting, music is something that really motivates me and lifts me up.

8.How do you handle negative comments?

I usually don’t pay of attention it but if it is really something that I don’t like at all, I take is positively and try to be better at that.

9.Your favourite time spent?

During the day.

10.Your favourite people to spent time with?

My favourite people with whom I love to spend my time are my family and my best friends.

11.Your favourite place?

My favourite place is Goa.


For this blogger award, I have decided that I won’t be nominating anyone because I think every single blogger out there deserves recognition for their amazing work and their creativity and nominating just 11 of them won’t be possible. If you’re reading this post and feel as though this may be something you want to participate in, please consider yourself nominated. I would love to read your answers.

My Questions :

  1. What’s your goal for your blog?
  2. Do you have a TV show that you’re binging on right now?
  3. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
  4. What do you do when you’re really stressed out about something?
  5. If you had never started blogging, how different do you think your life would be?
  6. If the story of your blog were to be turned into a movie, who would be cast as you?
  7. Tell me about some of your blog struggles.
  8. Money or Free Time? Why?
  9. If you had to give a title to the current chapter of your life based on a movie, what would it be?
  10.  What type of blog do you prefer the most?
  11. Give a shout out to three of your favourite bloggers.

Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

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Small Joys Tag

Hey my dear readers.  How are you guys?

I am thrilled to let you know that I have been nominated for this Small Joys Tag twice. So, first I would like to thank Tia from Tall Blonde Tales for nominating me for the tag.  Words aren’t enough to describe her. Tia is simply an amazing lifestyle blogger and a kind person. She is herself a joy to me. Having her as my blogging friend is truly a joy for me. Go and visit her blog here.

I would also like to thank Noorien from Gowriteandexplore for thinking about me as one of your nominees for this wonderful tag. I really appreciate it a lot. Noorien is a lovely blogging friend to have and a phenomenal blogger too. You can check the link to her blog here.

Rules and Regulations of this Tag:

  1. Thank the blogger who tagged you 
  2. List 15 of your small joys (they can be as weird, random, and silly as you want to make them) 
  3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy (and feel free to say why they bring you joy!) Have fun with it!

My Small Joys:

  1. Dancing my heart out

2. Dining out

3. Exploring new destinations

4. Blogging

5. Using filter apps

6. Binge-watching my fav shows

7. Hanging out with close friends

8. Playing songs on repeat on my playlist

9. Scrolling through Instagram

10. Dressing up

11. Lazing around in my comfy clothes

12. Catching up on my beauty sleep

13. Trying Something New

14. Laughing until my stomach hurts

15. Feeling that Sense of Pride

My Five Tags:

Sofia from Live Sofiabulous:

Sofia is truly a fantastic blogger as well as a lovely blogging friend one could ever have. She is such a sweet and kind person too.

Kavya from You Shine Up:

Kavya is a blogger that I recently met a while ago, but she never fails to bring a smile to my face. She is an amazing blogger too.

Avni from Avni’s Bookshelf:

Avni brings me joy. She is an incredible blogger and is always so supportive. Her poems that she posts on her blog are just lovely.

Aanya from Soaring Firebolt:

Aanya is someone who I really love talking to and I also love her posts a lot. She always motivates me and bring a smile to my face with her lovely comments.

Evin from A Curly Sue’s Ramblings:

Evin is a lovely person as well as an amazing blogger too. Her posts are creative and fun to read.

That’s it. I know I was only meant to tag 5 blogging friends who bring me joy, but all my blogging friends bring me immense pleasure so I couldn’t settle on just five. But as I said, all my blogging friends bring me joy, so of you want to take this tag, just go for it. I would love to read about your 15 little joys of life.

I would just like to say that I really enjoyed participating in this tag as I think It is the little joys of life that matter the most but unfortunately, we often fail to recognize just how important they are in making us happy. We are so occupied trying to achieve the bigger things in life, it isn’t tough for us to lose focus of the simpler things around.

Thank you for reading Chasing the Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

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Beautiful Blogger Award – Nominated Twice

Hey my dear readers. How are you guys? Well, I am really excited and happy as this is my first Beautiful Blogger Award post and I have been nominated twice for the lovely award. Thank you so much for all you support and love. It truly means a lot.

First, I want to thank Miss B from Miss B Blogz Thingz Over for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. I really appreciate it a lot. So yes, go and check her blog right now because it’s amazing. The link to her blog is

Next, I want to thank Janis from Momshie Diaries for nominating me for this Beautiful Blogger Award. It truly means a lot to me. I feel so happy to receive this award from you. She is an amazing blogger who writes about life and many other things. Do check her site here.


1.    Link to the blogger who has nominated you.

2.    List 7 random facts about you.

3.    Nominate 7 creative, beautiful bloggers and let them know about the nomination.

7 Random facts about me:

  1. I love binge watching. My favourite genre is Rom Com.
  2. Dance makes my heart happy.
  3. My all-time favourite place to travel is Goa.
  4. I am left-handed.
  5. The app that I use the most is Instagram.
  6. I have seen every episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S five times over.
  7. I am obsessed with blogging.

I really want to choose all my lovely readers as I think all of them deserve this award because all are beautiful are by their heart and creative by their minds. But now it´s because I had to choose just 7 nominees. So, my nominees are:

Tia from Tall Blonde Tales

Aanya from Soaring Firebolt

Olivia from Olivia Lucie Baker

Super Mode

Hemalatha from Frame of Soul

Manjul from Innumerable Thoughts

Shelly from Growing with Spawn

That’s it.

Thank you so much for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

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