The Inspiring Bloggers Tag

Hey my lovely readers. How are you guys? I know I haven’t been much active on my blog these days and it’s been a while since I posted anything new. But if you guys have read my earlier posts then you might be knowing that I  am so short of time these days and no getting to blog much owing to my college work. Ugh! It’s so frustrating. But hopefully now I am almost through with the stressful assignments and hopefully will be back with a bang soon. I truly wanna thank you all for supporting me consistently and being with me in this amazing journey!

Anyway, moving on to today’s post, I want to thank Tia from Tall Blonde Tales from the bottom of my heart for nominating me for this lovely tag. It just feels so great to get nominated for something like this.  Tia is an amazing blogger and I really enjoy reading her posts. She has been a big support system for my blog, and I admire her a lot. So please be sure to check out her blog here.


  • Thank the person who chose you
  • Include the logo in your post
  • Answer the questions asked to you
  • Choose the bloggers who’ve inspired you (maximum 10)
  • Add a feature of their blog which you admire
  • Ask them five questions

Questions asked by Tia, Tall Blonde Tales:

If you were to start a charity or foundation, what cause would you support/what would you do?

If I were to start a charity or foundation, I would support the cause of Arts, Culture and Humanities and would help people understand the importance of arts and culture in our society.

What is your least favourite food?

My least favourite food is Bitter Gourd.

If you could only pick one hobby to do for the rest of your life, what would you choose and why?

If I could pick one hobby to do for the rest of my life, I would choose dance because it’s something that always makes me happy and helps me express myself well.

A song/movie/book that never fails to inspire you?

A song that never fails to inspire me is “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift.

What inspiring message would you like to pass on to other people/bloggers?

Umm, I would like to say that running a blog maybe difficult sometimes and you might not be able to be as consistent as you are as there might be many other things to do. I just feel and would like to tell that it’s okay to take a break. Just don’t be under a lot of pressure that you have to write a post today itself, it’s alright if you are not able to cope up with blogging all the time. However, at the same time, be passionate about your writing and write for yourself first.

Nominations – bloggers who inspire me

Well, this one is hard because all of you inspire me so much in different ways and I truly feel that you all deserve this award. So, if you wanna do it, comment down and be a part of this beautiful award by answering these questions below. Keep going and take good care of yourself.

Questions for my nominees: 

If you weren’t into blogging, what’s the one thing you would probably be doing instead?

What do you do when you feel demotivated to write?

An inspiring quote you live by.

What is your favourite type of food?

What inspiring message would you like to pass on to other people/bloggers?

That’s it.

Thank you for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

Enjoyed my post? Then don’t forget to like, share, comment and follow me on my blog.

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94 thoughts on “The Inspiring Bloggers Tag

  1. Congrats! I enjoyed reading your answers ❤ I absolutely agree with you on the blogging break thing – sometimes that's exactly what we need to do so we can focus on other things in life, then come back to blogging when we have the time and inspiration! 🙂 ❤
    I'd love to write about this tag! I'd like to add it to the list of tags/awards to post about soon!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you so much for reading it Maggie! Yesss you are absolutely right dear! Wow happy to know that. I would definitely love reading your answers. Yaay would surely read it. Keep blogging and stay safe!😊🥰😄🤗


      1. I feel grateful to know you as well. You are always there with a positive attitude and I am thankful for that. Thank you so much for nominating me on this tag! I am truly humbled that you find my blog inspiring. 🤗❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yaay! I am glad you liked it Pooja! Thank you so much. It truly means a lot to have your support on my blog. You are the biggest inspiration and it’s because of you I made an attempt to start my blog. So I nominate you as well for this Inspiring Bloggers Tag!🥰😄😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yesss! All thanks to the lovely supporters like you. No no I am having virtual classes and they are too boring!😓😀. Yes it’s really amazing. Also I am nominating you too for this tag because you are also an inspiration for me. Have a lovely day. 😄😊🥰🤗


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