The Sunshine Blogger Award #2

The Sunshine Blogger award is given by bloggers to bloggers who inspire positivity and creativity while spreading sunshine in the blogging community.

Thank you so much Elle for nominating me for this award. Her blog is all about her insignificant thoughts! Life, films unpopular opinions and much more. She’s an amazing writer and I love her blog a lot. She’s also such a sweet blogging friend to have! Better check out her blog by clicking here.  


  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  4. Nominate up to 11 new blogs to receive the award, write them 11 new questions and notify them about the nomination.

Questions From Elle

What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment?

I don’t think I have had any embarrassing moments and honestly speaking I don’t really care about it. However, just to answer the question I think if someone told me to do something and I forgot to do it, then I usually get embarrassed.

Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

I always look up to my parents the most and specially my mother as she is the one who inspires me to write better. However, if we are talking about blogging then I think I always look up to Pooja from Lifesfinewhine as she is such an amazing blogger and is helpful too.

What would be your perfect day? Plan it out from waking up to bedtime.

My perfect day would be waking up late in the morning, having my breakfast while watching T.V. Then after lunch, going out for shopping with my family and returning home back in the evening. And finally, after that long tiring day, I would just lay down on my bed and binge-watch Netflix while having dinner. Last but not the least, I will go to sleep.

What’s your biggest fear?

My biggest fear is getting emotionally attached easily.

How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?

 I like to be comforted by food as it is something that makes me really happy.

What’s your all-time favorite memory?

Well, I lots of favorite memories! But I guess it’s the one that I spend with my cousin sister.

What’s your favorite thing you own and why?

There are many have things, but my recent favorite is my blog because it has boosted my confidence and made me a stronger person. I started it out as just a hobby, but I guess it has become more than that to me. I can say that blogging is the best thing that happened to me in this lockdown.

Who was the last person who made you cry and why?

The last person who made me cry was my mom and on a very silly reason that was for buying clothes online for my birthday.

Where do you hope to be five years from now? Ten? Fifteen?

 Five years from now i hope to see myself working in a professional atmosphere with future work goals in mind.

If money was no object, what would you buy?

If money was no object, then I will definitely buy a villa.  

When have you felt the most proud?

I felt the most proud when I started receiving amazing compliments from many bloggers about my blog.

My Nominees



Innumerable Thoughts

The Cozy Potato

Being Flawsome

Fairy hacks

Musings of a Medical Student





And to everyone reading this post who would wish to participate, go on and claim this Sunshine Blogger Award! You surely deserve it. No pressure on those blogs that were tagged. If you do not wish to participate, it’s totally cool cool cool cool.

Questions are the same from above!

For more Awards, click here.

Thank you so much for reading Chasing The Maximum Life!

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